Foto do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF)

Public hearing on encryption and WhatsApp blockages: the arguments before the STF

News Privacy and Surveillance 06.29.2017 by Jacqueline Abreu

On June 2nd and 5th 2017, the Supreme Federal Court (STF) held a public hearing to discuss the constitutional complaints ADPF 403 and ADI 5527. The first one, whose rapporteur is justice Edson Fachin, discusses the compatibility of judicial orders determining blocks on WhatsApp with the freedom of communication. The second, whose rapporteur is justice Rosa Weber, discusses the constitutionality of items III and IV of art. 12 of the Brazilian Internet Civil Rights Framework (Marco Civil da Internet – MCI), which authorize the imposition of sanctions of “temporary suspension” and “prohibition of exercising activities” to internet connection and application providers that violate data protection rules. More on the subject of these complaints and the interpretative disputes underlying them can be found here, here, and here.

In a post for our platform, Jacqueline de Souza Abreu, head of InternetLab’s Privacy and Surveillance area, reports the opinions and discussions held at the hearing. Continue reading here.

Photo of the Brazilian Supreme Federal Court (STF)
Photo by Jacqueline de Souza Abreu